
Saturday, December 25, 2010

summer and new year :)

I think we can safely say it's now officially summer in Adelaide now. Christmas day was a beautiful 34 degrees as was Christmas eve. It also looks set to be a hot NYE at 40 degrees, wow this actually wasn't supposed to be a weather report.. just some random thoughts. Anyway, I hope whoever is this reading this.. thats you :).. had a fabulous Christmas and you also have an awesome year next year. 2011 wow. It feels like just the other day it was the year 2000 and we were celebrating the start of a new millennium. I remember getting a special new millennium coin at primary school in the year 2000, it was exciting I guess to be alive for the start of that. I wonder if the people in the year 1900 were just as excited, to celebrate a new year lets take a look at what happened in the year 1911..

Significant events in 1911 were:

Northern Territory seperated from South Australia.
The first successful sea plane was flown by Glen H. Curtiss.
The first official flight with air mail took place.
Revolution in Mexico.
International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time, wooo go girls!
The New York City Public Library was opened.
George V is crowned king of England.
The Mona Lisa was stolen by a Louvre employee, guessing they got caught then? ;)
Chevrolet officially entered the automobile market.
First use of aircraft in war.
The capital of Italy shifted to New Delhi.
First expedition reaches the South Pole.

So 1911 was a very successful year. Let's hope 2011 can be too!
I think everyone wishes for a great year when NYE comes around, I certainly will be.
I wish that not one of my family or friends has to spend any of 2011 in hospital, me included because I've been in there a bit lately. I hope that our world developes and works towards new, brilliant and truly amazing things. I hope the leaders of our world/country make the right choices, towards making our world a better place. I hope I learn, experience and try different things. I really just hope its an awesome year for everyone in general. So Happy 2011! And have a fabulous New Years celebration :)!

1911 info credit:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

why i want to go there.. :)

ok my first list! first was going to be a things to do in spring one but i was talking about this today with my sister in law and brother soo i felt inspired :)

where i want to go on my gap year and why (note to self and others: most likely won't go to all of these in my gap year, but over my life)!

1. Tanzania, Africa- Hike to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

2. Barcelona, Spain- See the Art and Sculptures.
- Check out the AMAZINGLY stunning beaches.
3. Egypt, Africa - See the Pyramids, Sphinx, Nile etc.
- Learn more about their amazing culture and way of life.
4.Morocco, Africa - for the AMAZINGLY AWESOME shopping.

5. "The Islands" - (decided to do these all in one because there is a few)
- The Maldives - To kick back and relax, scuba dive (when I get my license) and until then snorkel, tan etc, and probably go shopping.
- Norfolk Island - um hello .. DUTY FREE SHOPPING, ( yes as you've probably noticed I am a bit of a shopoholic )and to see the beautiful island.
- Hawaii - To learn how to surf properly, get an amazing tan, scuba dive, hula dance, party, shop, check out hotties and chillax.
- Vanautu - all of the above.
- Tahiti - all of the above.
List to be continued one day soon..

Monday, September 20, 2010

found that 'purpose'!!!

ok, so my last post was about 'seeking a purpose' for my blog. as i've read all blogs are the same, the ones that don't go anywhere or get read don't have purposes, they just have people's life stories.. soo i thought of a purpose!!
i love writing lists, because they help me get things done, they make me excited (sometimes when there are exciting things i need to remember to do)! lists about the season, e.g. spring is also another thing.
so my blog will be based around lists, each post (hopefully) i will try and write a list for you guys to read. i will then add some more to it, explaining everything and talking about it. i hope this makes my blog more interesting for you guys. this also makes for a new layout for my blog. so i will work on that and i will have a new list out sometime soon. i hope people start reading my blog soon!

xo from a very excited and happy rach.

p.s. the lists will be based around the time of the year e.g. maybe an event, holiday, season or something going on in my life.. or just totally at random.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

seeking for a purpose.

soo tired right now. the tiredness just hit me in a big way. going out for dinner argh. today was nice and lazy. went for another drive, cooked pastries; savoury and sweet, chocolate and cheese. watched flight of the conchords today. randomest thing i've ever seen, but hilarious. i know that no one is reading this blog, but i have this urge to write in it. i know my life is boring to read about and one day i will find a purpose for this blog. one of my biggest ambitions in life is to travel. especially overseas. see everything. do charity/mission work. maybe it can be about my journey towards that? well my steps at the moment is work, saving money. thats all i can do! so i will write about that. i am working tomorrow, 10-3 again. looong day. but hey, i've done 4 shifts this week.. that means. LOTS OF MOOLAH :), yay. night guys. hope your having a good one. oh wait my brain just reminded me this.. no one is reading. ta ta.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


was having fun at work, until i split my thumb open on the slicer. i was making salad, and cut it open. heaps of blood, ugh. it was okay for a while but then it started again :/, so had to go home. anyway, working 4 shifts this next week !

Saturday, September 11, 2010

video bar >.>

just added a video bar gadget showing my favourite stuff:

michelle phan: genius beauty blogger.

julian smith: my comedy hero (also a cutie), ordered a hoodie online and t shirt still in the process of waiting for it to be shipped over from the us.

kate nash: one of my absolute favourite singers, gorgeous girl, gorgeous voice, hilarious lyrics and all with her added cockney accent!

ingrid michaelson: as i mentioned in I think my previous post? she is amazing. my favourite indie/chilled out music artist :)

communitychannel: one girl turns everyday life situations into hilarious sketches.

so check out my new video bar and get a glimpse into my head, which btw i spend way too much time in.. thanks guys, have a good one ;D, i WILL go get ready for work now, yeah? haha